私のポートフォリオ1 My Portfolio 1

宇田 哲也 / Tetsuya Uda Fujitsu Works
  • Design
  • DesignThinking
  • DigitalTransformation
  • DX
  • FujitsuDesignCenter
  • DesignDrivenManagement


I summarized my activities for 4 years from 2020 to 2023 as “My Portfolio”.


Web アプリ経由でユーザーが選択した音楽をお酒(日本酒)に聞かせることで味と風味に変化を与え、出来上がったお酒を味わうことが出来るユーザー参加型の製造体験のデザイン

遠地に設置されたお酒製造用のタンクとWeb アプリを連携させたサービス。仮想通貨で NFT を購入することでサービスが利用でき、日本だけでなく世界中のユーザーが参加。音楽を聞かせたお酒と聞かせなかったお酒を飲み比べることで、自らが製造に参加したお酒の味と風味の変化をより自分事として実感することが出来る。お酒の味の好き・嫌いではなく、味の差分を楽しみ、そこから自然と会話が弾むとと言う新たな体験価値の提案。


現地に行かないと体験出来ないお酒を造るという「アナログ体験」と、遠地にいながらもユーザーがスマホを使って仮想通貨でNFT を購入し、お酒製造用のタンクに音楽を聞かせるという「デジタル技術」を融合。


ユーザーがより手軽かつ簡単に参加するための Web アプリで、使い慣れた既存の音楽アプリの UI に近づけながら、日本酒のことをそれほど知らないユーザーにも、お米の品種や精米歩合など日本酒特有の情報も分かりやすく表示。





モノのデザイン:感謝の気持ちを次の誰かに送れる おかんの画集


本はおかんの誕生日プレゼントとして、企画から撮影、インタビューから印刷まで制作期間は約1年。なお、内部に掲載されているインタビューのインタビュアーは孫が担当。おかん、息子、孫の3世代の共同制作として、後世に継承されるモノ として表現。




落ち着いた色使いの水彩画と調和するシンプルな緑ベースのクロスに、気品溢れるゴールドでタイトルを箔押し、中身はハードカバーでしっ かりと保護。印刷の台紙となる紙は絵の奥行き感を失わないようゴツ ゴツとした手触り感のある紙質を採用。本としての完成度にもこだわった。




企業所属のデザイン組織(インハウスデザイン)が社会課題解決に組織ミッションとして取り組む仕組みをデザイン。社会課題や生活者と共感する役割としてのデザインアドボケートを設置、情報発信サイトとしての DESIGN SPECTACLES の立ち上げ、地域課題 解決プロジェクトの立ち上げなどトータルの仕組みをプロデュース。

社内初、新卒 2年目の幹部社員登用

自社の製品・サービス起点ではなく、社会課題や生活者との共感から始まる役割をデザインアドボケートとして社内で初めて設置。JOB 型雇用を前提とし、任期1年の手上げ制で人材募集。日経新聞他、10 社以上のメディアに取り上げられるなど組織のブランディングに大きく貢献した。


社会課題解決に向けた情報発信サイト。自社の製品・サービス起点ではないアプローチを進めるため、活動に向けたミッションステートメントをデザイン。さらに自社のロゴは使わず DESIGN SPECTACLES 専用のロゴを使用することで、活動の姿勢を強く印象付けた。


徳島県の酒蔵の三芳菊酒造、新潟県佐渡市などで地域課題解決のための複数のプロジェクトを立ち上げた。成果は DesignShip で報告し活動に賛同する仲間を集めるなど、エコシステムの構築を推し進めた。



Service design: Play music and make sake with 1 million people

The design of the user-participatory manufacturing experience allows the sake (Japanese sake) to listen to the music selected by the user via a web application to change the taste and flavor, and to taste the fermented sake.

A service that links a fermentation sake tank located far away with a web application. Users from all over the world, as well as Japan, can use the service by purchasing NFTs by cryptocurrency. By comparing the sake with the music and the sake without the music, you can feel the change in taste and flavor of the sake you participated in the fermentation. Instead of liking or disliking the taste of sake, we can enjoy the difference in taste and naturally have a conversation from there.

Fusion of analog and digital

It combines the analog experience of making sake, which can only be experienced locally, with the digital technology of allowing users to buy NFTs with cryptocurrency and sound music in the sake tank, even though they are far away.

You can easily participate from your smartphone.

It is a web application for users to participate more easily and easily, and while still resembling the UI of an existing music application you are familiar with, it displays information specific to sake such as rice variety and rice polishing ratio easily to users who do not know much about sake.

Enjoy sake and music at the same time

Neck type sound tag with small speaker. You can have your own dinner while actually playing the music that was played to the sake when it was made. The remote sake fermentation tank can be compared to the sake bottle in front of you to create a more realistic experience.

Tell the value story

The casual noise in the storehouse is gradually transformed into high-quality music, and the change from preparation of ingredients to delivery brewed sake to users are overlaid. This is a promotional video that will interest people who are not familiar with sake.

Product design: An art book of Mom where she can send her gratitude to someone who took care of her

The watercolor paintings collected by Mom, who loved painting flowers, were compiled into a book as a collection of works.

The book is a birthday present for Mom, and the production period from planning to filming, interview to printing is about one year. Her grandson was the interviewer of the interview posted inside. As a joint production of three generations, Mom, Son and Grandson, it is expressed as a thing to be passed down to future generations.

With the feelings she had when drew it

In addition to the types of flowers, she wrote her thoughts on the watercolor on each page. It is not a simple collection of works, but it is a diary that makes her want to read it again and again while looking back on the time because it records the story behind the drawing.

Calm cover and textured paper quality

A simple green based cross that blends with the watercolor painting using subdued colors, the title is stamped in leaf with elegant gold, and the inside is clearly protected with a hard cover. The paper used as the printing mount has a uneven texture so as not to lose the depth of the picture. We were also particular about the completeness of the book.

One-of-a-kind present

Birthday gifts for Mom can also be used as gifts for Mom’s friends from Mom. When she give a gift, she insert a picture and a message on the last page that she draw while thinking about the person she is giving it to. A one-of-a-kind design that tells gratitude to the recipient.

System design: Establishing design organization for social problem-solving

Designed a system for design organizations (in-house design) to address social issues as an organizational mission. Established a design advocate role to empathize with social issues and people, launched DESIGN SPECTACLES as an information dissemination site, launched a project to solve local issues, and produced a total system.

Promotion to a management position of a second-year employee.

This is the first time that we have established a new role within Fujitsu as a “Design Advocate” that starts with social issues and empathy with people, rather than starting with our own products and services. Based on the premise of JOB type employment, recruitment is based on a one-year term and a second-year employee (left of the picture) was promoted. This made a major contribution to the organization’s branding by being featured in the Nikkei Shimbun and more than 10 other media outlets.

Discuss social issues from a designer’s perspective with other companies

Information dissemination site for solving social issues. Designed a mission statement for activities to promote approaches that do not originate from the company’s own products and services. Furthermore, by using the logo exclusive for DESIGN SPECTACLES instead of the Fujitsu’s own logo, we strongly impressed the attitude of the activity.

Designers act as catalysts to bring out the creativity of local people

We launched several projects to solve local problems at sake breweries Miyoshi-Kiku-Shuzo in Tokushima Prefecture and Sado City in Niigata Prefecture. The results were reported in DesignShip, and we promoted the establishment of the ecosystem by gathering companions who supported these activities.

Editorial Postscript

After more than 20 years as an engineer and architect of hardware and digital solutions, I have experienced new roles as an design leader at the Fujitsu Design Center for 4 years. I have summarized my activities over the past four years in the form of “My Portfolio”. Each activity was accomplished through teamwork, not solo work. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have cooperated.


