変革3年計画のハーフターンHalf-turn of our Transformation Plan

宇田 哲也 / Tetsuya Uda Fujitsu Works
  • Design
  • DesignThinking
  • DigitalTransformation
  • DX
  • FujitsuDesignCenter
  • DesignDrivenManagement


As a “Innovation leader”, one and half year have passed (half-turn) since sharing my ideas of  “Mission as Head of Fujitsu Design Center and Three-Year Plan to Achieve Goals”. Today I would like to tell the reality of our organization transformation design.

Designer宇田 哲也


デザインセンターは2020年7月1日に富士通のインハウスデザイン組織として再スタートを切り、「デザインをもっと富士通の企業活動全体に活用する」をミッションとして掲げ、 デザイン経営のCoE(センターオブエクセレンス:中核拠点)として社内外に対するDX推進に貢献し続けてきました。






21年度に開始したこういった社会、社外への挑戦が少しづつ社外にも認知され、2021年末にPOLI.DESIGNの協力の元制作され、その後日本語版英語版も含めて全世界公開に踏み切ったTransformation by Design(通称”デザイン思考テキストブック)は社内外で大きな反響を呼び、多方面からさまざまな応援コメントを頂きました。その結果、note.comのCXO深津貴之さんから声をかけていただき、対談という形でTransformation by Designをインターネットを経由して多くの方にご紹介させて頂く機会を得ました。この対談内容はYoutube、TikTokで中継され、Youtubeではアーカイブコンテンツとして現在でも公開されています。





Achievements and Results of the “Three-Year Plan”

Fujitsu Design Center relaunched on July 1, 2020 as in-house design organization with a mission to “use design more fully for Fujitsu’s corporate activities”. Since then as the Design Management CoE (Center of Excellence) we have continued to contribute to Digital Transformation (DX) inside and outside the company.

The contribution to this DX promotion was swiftly promoted in line with the 3-year plan which was initially designed. In the seed-planting phase of FY 20, the first year of the project, we actively participated in a variety of corporate and business activities that had been emphasized and prioritized within our company, and engaged in project management to reap results in a short period of time in order to gain speed. As we put too much emphasis on speed, we were often puzzled by the difference from the conventional approach, but it was a very meaningful year to experience the required competitive speed of commercialization. In FY 21, the second year of the project, we continued to identify social issues lead to our products and services development, and supported the release of UX and UI designs. In addition, we also challenged to solve new issues, such as designing the minds of people and culture of organizations, which require high urgency, short delivery times, and economies of scale for Fujitsu. We were praised and thanked by many Fujitsu customers, as well as by Fujitsu’s internal business divisions and executives.

In particular, a transformation design called “Task Force”, which was performed for about half a year (approximately 4 months in real terms) from April 2021, involving Fujitsu’s 11 business units, including sales organizations, cloud service organizations, and product development organizations, was a huge innovation movement. Our experienced designers were able to find effective solutions while keenly and accurately identifying essential issues, and they worked together to penetrate into each organizations. As a result, even after the completion of the “Task Force” with the Design Center, a dedicated organization was established and continued as a self-propelled activity in those organizations. The significant progress in the transformation of Fujitsu, which had been challenged by the speed and continuity of the transformation, was an innovative initiative for the Design Center.

At the same time, we have also gained a lot in the Design Center, where we have accumulated tangible assets whose values have been verified, such as quality maintenance of the organizational change design (enabling each organization to run independently), speed (achieving results in a short delivery time of 4 months), operation methods of projects that simultaneously establish the scale (with the 11 business units), a number of change measures, KPI for measuring the effect of change, processes, and deliverables. We believe that this was an innovative moment for the Design Center as we discovered a new method for the speed and scale of design, which was previously considered incompatible with quality.

Target after the “half-turn”

As the CoE for design management, the Design Center has been contributing to the acceleration of Fujitsu’s DX and solving organizational issues, but now that the “half-turn” has been completed, the Design Center will play a leading role in (1) challenging social issues that require a longer global commitment, (2) demonstrating creativeness with his/her own hands and feet with confidence, and (3) building an ecosystem that brings out results on a global level involving stakeholders both inside and outside the company.

Our social and external challenges, which we started in FY 21, have gradually gained recognition outside Fujitsu, and at the end of 2021, we released our transformation by design (commonly known as “Design Thinking Textbook”, supported by POLI.DESIGN) available worldwide in Japanese and English. As a result, we received a call from Takayuki Fukatsu ( CXO of note.com and CEO of THE GUILD), and we had the opportunity to introduce our challenge to many people via the online event. The conversation was broadcast live on Youtube and TikTok, and is still available as archive content on Youtube archive.

In addition, we have been actively collaborating with B2B type manufacturers, whose designs have been difficult to reach, little by little. Together with Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. (commonly known as “Furukawa Electric”), the largest electric wire manufacturer with its head office in Tokyo, we have been working on the realization of corporate value under the theme of “copper,” and the humorous results have generated a great response on SNS as well as Furukawa Electric’s customers. Since then, we have received requests from various companies to “create together,” and many projects have been launched (scheduled to be released).

In addition, Fujitsu has begun to provide outside the company with a variety of know-how that has been verified as value-proven within Fujitsu, which has been accumulated as tangible assets through the “Task Force” mentioned above, as a “Recipe” with immediate effect for companies that are not making progress with DX promotion, and has started projects with several major companies in Japan. In order to inform as many Japanese companies as possible of this ”Recipe”, including its internal blunders, Fujitsu has started to build a “Design Marketplace” as an information sharing platform across entire Fujitsu, and has also started to prepare an environment in which various “Recipes” including the above activities can be distributed (Initial internal release in Japan, subsequent other regions and external release). By challenging these activities on a global level, we hope to further strengthen the Japanese manufacturing industry, which differentiates itself with its technological capabilities, and thereby contribute to restoring a strong Japan.

Editorial Postscript

Along with the “Fujitsu Design Center that does not lose its aggressive attitude,” we just made the “half-turn” at full speed, including my earnest challenge to make design my strength. With kind advice from design leaders in other companies and members of the Design Center who are boldly challenging unknown transformations that have never been experienced in the past, I have an unshakable conviction to promote challenges at the “speed of light” level, surrounded by familiar customers who say “people design (blonde hair design)”. I think, “We saw signs that the Design Center would become the No. 1 team.”.


